He loves and cleans from the INSIDE + OUT!


Doing “FULL CIRCLE” prison ministry lets you see, watch, be a witness to the transformation of lifes who are held and transformed by the work of the HOLY SPIRIT!
His all consuming fire is amazing to witness and see and brings me weeping, sometimes daily.
Everlasting HE IS and HIS LIGHT will shine when all else fades.
When a soul, that is lost, stuck in a pit, empty, hopeless crys out to the HOLY, ALL POWERFUL, GOD He not only hears – He answers! He lifts! He LIGHTS! He transforms lives and they are forever changed.
Some have been told they do not believe that one ever truly changes. We, in prison ministry, beg to differ, for we have been witness to those, our own life, who have seen HIS true transformation take place.
If you are in a pit, angry, empty, lonely, hopeless today…cry out! He is not a respector of persons and He will reach to anyone who crys out for HIS GRACE and MERCY!
To GOD be the GLORY for what HE is doing in the lifes of His children daily!! What a powerful GOD we serve!! HIS LIGHT NEVER FADES! His POWER NEVER FAILS!
Look at the photo above and see the difference between it and the one in a previous post where someone is “holding” the rope. Do you see HE uses HIS very HAND to lift you up…not a rope! That is because He is a mighty “PERSONAL” GOD!

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